Do you remember Windows ME? Or how about Windows Vista? Some of these names seem to goes back to Operating Systems we wish to forget. With the announcement of Windows 10 Microsoft decided to totally skip version 9, opting to leave Windows 8, and memories of the Metro interface, as a distant 1-digit memory.
Windows 8 opened to much fanfare. Snazzy commercials and wonderful ads brings up memories of the Windows 95 “Start Me Up” campaign.
With Apple and Google aiming to totally control both the tablet and mobile markets Microsoft had to play catch up. Windows 8 was a bold vision, aiming to change the entire makeup and style of the user experience. Unfortunately Windows 8 was not as well-received. Sales were moderate and Microsoft’s own effort, via Surface, helped to promote Windows 8. Alas, for some, the interface was a confusing mix of both Metro and regular desktop apps. Developers failed to grab hold and Microsoft’s biggest Achilles-heal ended up being the Microsoft app store. Windows RT failed to connect with the low-end market, actually confusing consumers with its limited options. Google and Apple had a firm grip on this market, pumping out millions in sales; via their respected app store offerings. Microsoft had to make a change quickly.
With a change in leadership Microsoft’s aims to leave all failures in the past. Windows 10 aims to change the game and offer a user-interface for all types of individuals. In a short period of time Satya Nadella has totally changed Microsoft’s focus, now with aims are creating substantial change in the market with Windows 10. With the end of tiles, Microsoft will return a normal “Start Menu” interface for Windows 10; providing a friendlier user interface for desktop users. Tiles, for tablet and touch interfaces, will be substantially modified. Windows 10 will also provide us with an updated and overhauled desktop experience; improving views and how users interact with applications. Internet Explorer will be no more, moving us to a totally new browser called “Spartan”. Also, Cortana, previously only available on Windows Phone 8 mobile devices, will now be integrated into Windows 10.
Presently Microsoft is going through the process of a technical preview, with hopes on releasing Windows 10 later this year. With Google Chromebooks, Android and IOS making in-roads, along with other players, the sooner we see Windows 10 the better. Satya Nadella does not seem to want to go to war with Android or IOS. Satya Nadella has focused on mobile, cloud computing and the “Internet of Things“. Microsoft has finally recognized that it cannot be all things. People will choose how they want to communicate and connect to the ever growing web. The question is will Microsoft provide services and software that people actually need? It seems that Microsoft has definitely moved in the right direction. Exciting changes are coming and the world is ready for the new innovative Microsoft of old. Hololens anyone!