Helping physicians determine which patients still require a preventative care service within the target population

This INFOBulletin is to remind physicians of the upcoming Preventive Care Bonus Projected Report used to determine which patients within the target population still require a preventive care service.

The Ministry of Health (Ministry) provides eligible physicians in Patient Enrolment Models (PEMs) with a Projected Preventive Care Target Population/Service Report (TPSR) semi-annually, in April and September, to assist them in determining their Target Population and the delivery of preventive care services.

As outlined in INFOBulletin # 11192 all providers will receive their TPSR electronically via Medical Claims Electronic Data Transfer (MCEDT) to their Solo accounts. If you have not yet registered your solo billing number for MCEDT you will need to do so to receive this report. The ministry will only provide paper reports for those providers who continue to receive paper Remittance Advices.
Specifically, this report identifies:

  • A physician’s Target Population including enrolled patients who meet the age and sex criteria for each of the five (5) preventive care categories
  • Eligible services provided to enrolled patients who have provided consent for each of the five (5) preventive care categories, according to Ministry records
  • Enrolled patients who have provided consent for whom any physician in the group has submitted a Tracking Code
  • Enrolled patients for whom the enrolling physician has submitted an Exclusion Code

The TPSR-Projected Report allows physicians to focus on providing any preventive care services not yet received by their target population for the remainder of the fiscal year. Submission of the Cumulative Preventive Care Bonus claims does not occur until April and at that time instructions for submissions are provided.

As a reminder, although the FY2022 Preventive Care Bonus remains status quo, the Physician Services Agreement notes that as of April 1, 2023, parts of this bonus will be repurposed. Details around implementation will be forthcoming.

Note: The Influenza Vaccine is an annual service and is neither available nor administered to patients until late fall of each year. As no services have been provided, the TPSR-Projected Report only provides the patients in the target population.

Click here for more information.