Subscribe To Our Podcast – Reboot Recast Rethink

#RebootRethinkRecastA podcast about technology and why you should care. We take a dive into the areas of data, hardware, software, privacy, cyber-security and various aspects of tech. Our aim is to break tech down and keep it simple for you. We have a lot of...
Technology Questions & Answers – Part 1

Technology Questions & Answers – Part 1

In the past we focused on multiple topics; from Social Media, User Data, Smartphones and more. However, we have a more informal Podcast. Today we will dive into questions from users, fans and others on Phishing, Windows, Smartphones, and more....
Smartphone Shift: Where Does Our Health Go From Here

Smartphone Shift: Where Does Our Health Go From Here

The impact smartphones have on our world is undeniable. At one time people wondered when every household would have a personal computer, but in 2020, everyone carries around their own computer. It keeps us in touch with loved ones, saves us from getting lost and most...
Facebook – How A Social Media Giant Changed The World

Facebook – How A Social Media Giant Changed The World

Social media is no longer a fad. Tools like Facebook, and others, facilitated the sharing of content; connecting friends and family around the world. How will social media’s growth effect consumers and business alike? Facebook became the social media giant that...
Why Your Data Is Important

Why Your Data Is Important

If Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google vanished today what would you do? Of these companies, which do you subscribe to? Could you live without the services they provide? These companies, and how we use technology today, have become ubiquitous in nature. From...
Stay Home, Stay Tech-Safe

Stay Home, Stay Tech-Safe

From phishing scams, bots, ransomware or just exposure to the dark side of the web. The post COVID-19 world will probably be more reliant on technology, as people become more comfortable with it. Let’s “tech-splain” some common cybersecurity tips....