Can AI and Robotics Alleviate Healthcare’s Procedural Backlogs?

Can AI and Robotics Alleviate Healthcare’s Procedural Backlogs?

The healthcare industry continues to face unprecedented challenges in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Procedural backlogs, exacerbated by staffing shortages and strained healthcare resources, have left hospitals and clinics struggling to provide timely care....
Update: Temporary COVID-19 Vaccine Fee Code

Update: Temporary COVID-19 Vaccine Fee Code

Clarification for G593 as Ontario updates COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations To support the government’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy and roll out, the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) is providing clarification for fee code G593-COVID-19 Vaccine. Currently all...
Restoration of Hard Cap Threshold Limits – Oct 1, 2021

Restoration of Hard Cap Threshold Limits – Oct 1, 2021

Effective October 1, 2021 the Fee-For-Service billing limits for core services provided to non-enrolled patients (the Hard Cap) will be applied in the Blended Salary Model, Family Health Network, Family Health Organization and Group Health Centre patient enrolment...